3 Quotes & Sayings By Philip W Comfort

Philip W. Comfort is the founder and president of the International Success Institute (ISI), a private educational and coaching organization based in Phoenix that provides seminars and programs to individuals and corporations across the globe. Philip is also an international speaker, author, and mentor. He has been featured as a keynote speaker at major conferences such as the IBM Management Summit, Microsoft Business Solutions Summit, and the National Association of Crop Consultants Read more

Philip's books have been featured on national television shows such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, CNN Headline News, The Rachael Ray Show and more. Philip has been interviewed on over 75 radio shows across the United States including: The Valley of the Sun, Beyond Belief, Information Only Radio, and more.

The greatest importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls...lies in the discovery of biblical manuscripts dating back to only about 300 years after the close of the Old Testament canon. Philip W. Comfort
But a central message there is, and it is the recognition of this that has led to the common treatment of the Bible as a book, and not simply a collection of books - just as the Greek plural biblia (books) became the Latin singular biblia (the book). Philip W. Comfort